ऋग्वेद – सूक्ष्म से लेकर सब पदार्थो का ज्ञान, इसमें १०,५२२ मंत्र है.

यजुर्वेद – इसमें कर्मकाण्ड है. इसमें अनेक प्रकार के यज्ञों का वर्णन है, इसमें १,९७५ मंत्र है.

सामवेद – यह उपासना का वेद है. इसमें १,८७५ मंत्र है.

अथर्ववेद – यह युद्ध और शांति का वेद है, इसमें ५,९७७ मंत्र है.

What are the vedas?

What does the word ‘veda’ mean ?

The Sanskrit word Veda, means knowledge. The Vedas are the scriptures of all true knowledge. The Vedas contain not only religious ideas, but also facts which all modern science has since proved true Atom, electrons, airships all seem to be known to the seers whom found the Vedas”. In modern times, Maharishi Swami Dayanand Sarswati, the founder of Arya Samaj has propagated the teaching of the Vedas and he believed that the Vedas were for all human beings.

Four vedas in Hindi


The Vedas are the oldest texts in the world.

The Vedas are the most scared books of the Aryas and ancient indian culture. It is also the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. The language of the vedas is sanskrit. There are four Vedas : Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sam Veda and Atharva Veda. Vedas knowledge are direct from God.

Vedas are also called Sruti

Vedas are also known as sruti, means, what is heared.  Before the beginning of time the four Rishis were enlightened and the Vedas were first revealed or realized after intense meditation by the four ancient sages (Rishis)  –  Agni, Aditya, Vayu and Angira.

What do the Vedas Teach Us ?

The fundamental message from the Vedas is to do utmost good and to promote welfare of the world as a whole. In other words, Vedas teach us to promote physical, spiritual and social development of entire mankind without any distention of caste, colours, creed, religious race or sex. Vedas promote universal education, Vedas promote universal brotherhood and do not allow tolerating terrorism of any kind whatsoever, Vedas do no allow killing of any live entity.

Vedic Philosophy

According to the Vedas, the soul resides in physical body. After death, the soul goes into another body according to it deeds, called karmas of the past lives. According to the Vedas, mind is different from soul. While soul is a conscious entity, mind is physical element. It appears to be conscious but that consciousness it drives from soul as does moon its luminosity from the sun. Soul, however, acts through the agency of mind. The call of the Vedas is “Listen, O people of the world you are the sons of God” They are not to preach any particular religion but spiritual outlook in life. They call upon us “Manurbhav” Be human, conduct your self as a human being, not like an animal. The Vedas teach us that man is essentially divine realizing that divinity in us is the purpose of life again the novelty and uniqueness of the Vedas is that Veda gives more importance to the collectivity, the society and assembly of the people than for any individual.